Stop by the bathroom to dry her dress and relieve herself

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 13:26, 29 October 2015 by Uman (Talk | contribs)
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Condition Wet, Cold, Exposed, and Slightly Horny Apparel and Items: Soaked White Lace Dress
Day, Time Friday, Rainy Morning
Need to Bathroom Desperately Holding it in
Level of Humiliation Terrified of Being Seen in Her Transparent Dress

Katie ran for the bathroom, it was the only way she could possibly relieve herself and have some semblance of covering for herself. She only passed a few random students who were too busy drying themselves off to realize that there was a nearly completely nude girl walking past them. In fact, Katie felt that when she entered the bathroom, no had one had in fact realized her state of clothing. Sigh with relief, Katie pulled her only piece of clothing left and placed it under the blow dryer. She activated the blower to begin drying it out. Turning she rushed to get into a stall and relieve herself. However, she only then realized all of the stalls were filled. Coincidentally, they all opened to reveal the entirety of Samantha's bitchy cheerleader crew. The same girls that stripped her naked and teased her during cheerleader tryouts.

"Well well well." Samantha said, stepping forward "Looks like Katie is ready for round two."

"Unnnnggghhhh, I NEED TO GO!" Katie groaned, the pain in her bowels getting so bad that she had to slap one hand over her ass.

"Hmmm, looks like our precious new piece of ass is also a big baby." another girl in Samantha's group taunted, grabbing Kate's nipple and twisting it.

"PLEASE SAMANTHA!!!" Katie begged, a little gas being released as her bladder began to sting as well.

"Well I wanted to give you clothes for practice tonight Katie, but it looks like you need them now." Samantha commented, stepping back to open up her backpack.

Katie's eyes went wide as she watched Samantha pull out a bag of diapers. Taking one out, Katie could now see that the diaper was covered in little bubbly hearts with the words "Mama's Little Girl" brazened on the ass. They wanted her to wear that!? It would be better to be seen as a sexy naked girl not a little child! There were guys she liked, what if they saw her like that? Not to mention her reputation would be ruined!

"Either you wear this diaper and mess yourself or you go out there with nothing. Either way, you should probably go to lost and found to get some clothes. If you wear this diaper, we'll walk with you so you have a late pass to class." Samantha gave Katie her options.

Katie agrees to wear the diaper and go with the cheerleaders

Katie decides to make a run for the lost and found, better a streaker than a baby

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