Avoid their movements?

From Create Your Own Story

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"Carla stay back." Not even glancing over your shoulder you command Carla to keep in her place though she doesn't plan on moving from her place with her hands bound together as they are.

The first strikes comes down towards your right side towards your newly drawn sword, dropping you blade an inch the swig just barley misses your sword but before you have a moment to react the other club welder is upon you with a large above strike. Swearing softly you jump backwards feeling the pressing force of the club brushing through your hair.

Tipping backwards over a stool you stumble about for a moment till you find yourself pressed against the stone wall eyeing the two large men as they rapidly close in the distance towards you. Thinking fast you lash out and kick the stool out towards one of the men causing him to trip and sway about, his failing club throwing bottles of wine across the room with a showering display of red wine.

Taking the moment you dash forward and jump onto the new cleared table, running across you fall down onto the floor with a thud on its wooden boards. Gaining some distance you spin around to see the recovered man rushing forward with his raised club, pausing you wait for the club to fall before slipping off to one side, using the side of your blade to take most of the impact of the club. While staggering you off towards one side you are quick to recover from the deflected blow, using both hands you grip the blades grip and lunge forward with a lightning fast strike running your blade through the side of his stomach. With a deep grunt of pain the man topples over using his massive club as a brace before toppling over.

The small victory is shortly lived with the second man coming down upon you with another wide arch swing, having been so caught up in taking down the first man your thoughts left from the second. Down on one knee you see little chance to evade his attack but with your life on the line you do what little you can. Raising the blade blade up wards and across the width of your body you press the flat of your hand against the smooth side of the blade creating a barrier for the arriving club.

A shrieking ring of steel cracking fills the room with a shower of metal flakes showering over you from the heavy swing of the club. The force of the club sends shivers down your arm as you use all the will power of your body to keep a hold of what left of the sword. Shattered midway up the sword its little more than a jagged stick than a sword at this point.

With the club wielder recovering from the reverberating force of your clashing weapons he staggers sideways giving you a movement to get back on your feet, stepping backwards you raise the the broken point of your sword towards him leaving him to chuckle at the feeble attempt you made. He is right to laugh, such a weapon isn't fit for a warrior let alone a noble.

Seeing this as the end the club wielder rushes forward one last time but stops in his movement with a shimmer of steel as you throw the remains of your sword towards his body. Raising the club the man blocks the weak attempt to defend yourself, his thoughts are quick to change with a flash of pain through his chest until his eyes roll back into his head. Pushed up against him a small shimmer of steel sticks out from his chest with your hands wrapped around its base. Never going any where without a dagger hidden on your person you drew it from your boot when he was distracted with your tossed blade.

Pushing against the limp body you shove it from over your shoulder with a loud suction filling the air as your blade leaves his chest with blood splattering from its tip.

"Now, William-" You pause as your turn around to see William holding a knife of his own towards the neck of Carla who is now held in the grip of the man.

"Alright then, let her go or-"

"Shut it! Here's how its going down. I'm leaving, and if you follow she gets it." Carla squirms in his hands trying to break free from his grasp but only manages to get the knife pointed deeper against her neck.

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