Noir Detective

From Create Your Own Story

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You light your cigarette and toss the used match into the ashtray. The hot summer wind blows in through the open window as you blow smoke rings into the air. How did you end up like this? A deadbeat dick in this crummy city?

Your mind wanders again to the war. Those were the days. You still remember the day you stormed that beach in Normandy. You thought you were invincible - that nothing would ever pull you down again. Of course, life never works out like that, does it?

It wasn't till you got back home that you realized it - nobody wanted you around. There were too few jobs and too many ex-servicemen to fill them. And most of them weren't full of shrapnel either. It wasn't long before you were down on your luck. And you would have stayed there too, if it hadn't been for old George Haverstock.

You take another puff of your cigarette. It was simply good luck that you ran across George that afternoon at the bar. He offered you a post at his P.I. firm, simply for old times sake. You took him up on his offer and before long you'd found out you were actually good at it.

It wasn't all Holmesian business. That was more George's line of work. You usually got the low jobs. The insurance frauds. The thieving employees. But at least it paid. Soon you were a partner at the firm, with a black sign painted on your door and a little office to go with it.

It was in this office that you were sitting, smoking, when the blonde dame stepped in.

The Blonde

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