D&D: The old garrison: The 2nd Floor: Aproach the guard you met this morning

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Revision as of 03:19, 27 August 2015 by Gougounne (Talk | contribs)

You walk towards the familiar face and warms up as he smile, watching you aproach. His vision slide unbarred across your body, taking notice of your sexy curves and the complete lack of clothing. Seeing as you are clearly going for him he grins:"Hey there. I see you took the offer."

You smile and playfully say:"what makes you say that?"

The guard chuckles :"Because you are here, and completely nude." he adds the last part with approval.

You grin and aproach him so that your only a foot away. "Do you enjoy the sights ?"

He smiles at your advances: "As much as this morning..."

You begin: "You know...

D&D: The old garrison: The 2nd floor: "... you can order me however you want right now..."

D&D: The old garrison: The 2nd floor: "... you can have me however you want right now..."

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