Domination\Have them put on a show
From Create Your Own Story
"Entertain me," you say, beginning to stroke your dick.
Who talks like that?
The women look at each other, unsure of whether or not you're joking. However, their inaction quickly begins to irritate you, and you reach forward and slap Diana across the face. Then you slap Margaret.
Diana's mouth drops open as she sees her friend take her punishment with servility. Apparently these bitches are always more surprised when they're not the ones getting put in their place.
"Now," you growl, unwilling to wait longer.
Encouraged by your tone, the women scoot a little closer to each other, and Margaret tentatively takes Diana's face in her hand. Then she leans in and lightly presses her lips to the other woman's. Diana smiles at her friend as she pulls back, and leans forward herself to initiate another kiss. Perhaps it is her sexual deprivation, but Diana's kiss is much bolder, much deeper, and lasts much longer.
By the time the two pull apart, both women are breathing heavily. Then, as if coming to a silent agreement, they help each other remove their tops and bras, and then Diana's skirt and Marge's jeans. Only Marge's panties are left as Diana leans in towards her friend's breast. Diana's mouth gently closes around Marge's nipple, and she begins to suck on it as her hands wander into the brunette's panties.
Marge gasps and she moves her hand to gently caress Diana's arm when you stand and grab Diana by the hair, painfully yanking her face from the brunette's tit. You throw Diana backwards, and then grab Margaret by the hair and pull her to her feet. You rear back your fist and slug her directly between the breasts.
Margaret lets out an "oomph" as all the air leaves her body, and she drops back down to the floor, unable to catch her breath. "Is that how you think a man like me wants to be entertained?" you demand, watching Marge gasp for air.
Diana immediately crawls to your side, and grabs your hand. "I'm sorry," she says. "Please punish me, it's my fault." As if in demonstration, Diana stands and puffs out her chest, presenting it to you.
"I already hit her, Diana. You want me to hit you too?" you ask, eyeing her generous melons.
"Yes. Please. I'm sorry," Diana begs, not sounding very sorry at all. Margaret watches, stunned, from the floor, as the woman she's known for years begs you to knock the wind out of her lungs.
You shrug at the redhead's request and cock back your fist, but as Diana closes her eyes in anticipation, you throw your punch into her gut, instead of her chest.
The milf immediately drops to the floor in surprise, not prepared for the hit you actually threw. You then sit back down on the couch as Diana doubles over in pain. She remains kneeling on the floor, groaning while she waits for the pain to abate. But as you watch her, you notice that her entire body is shaking, and that her eyes are not closed, but open, staring blankly at the floor.
That actually shocks you. She's cumming. And it's a pretty big orgasm by the look of it. A glance over at Margaret reveals to you that she too has noticed that the sounds her friend is making aren't only out of pain.
As her orgasm begins to subside, Diana begins to crawl her way over to you. She drops her face and begins to kiss your feet, all the while mumbling something that sounds suspiciously like "thank you."
Margaret stares at Diana, as you pull your foot from beneath her lips and push her head away with it. Her friend's depravity seems to have taken more out of her than your hit to her solar plex.