D&D: "You spend the night with either your head or your arse sticking out of the wall in our main brothel area, free to use for the public. This'll bring you 5 favour."

From Create Your Own Story

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You distastefully consider your options. A gloryhole was fine but in the end it only brought in three favor, and that's not nearly enough. Being the ladies plaything brought in fifteen favor, but something told her that was a terrible idea. That left only one option.

"I'll take the wall for the night." You say.

"Wonderful." The lady says excitedly as she claps her hands. "I was hoping you would say that. It's been so long since the brothel offered a halfling for public use. They're always so popular. The line never ends."

You gulp and wonder what you've gotten into. Used as a sex object by the masses for an entire night for free. You flush as you imagine random men line up and take you one by one. You've had sex before but this is quite beyond anything you've tried.

"Don't bother getting dressed. It's almost evening right now so you'll be able to start right away. Don't worry about your things I'll keep them nice and secure here in the office. I'd recommend you eat and bathe first since you'll be locked in that wall until morning."

So soon? You thought you might have at least a few hours to settle in first before you start. Feeling embarrassed from your nudity, you follow the lady to the kitchen and climb onto a human sized bench and help yourself to a supplied meal of beef stew. A human male cook keeps looking at your form and snickering which causes you to turn red. Your body is quite nice for a halfing, with small perky breasts, a thin waist, curvy hips, and a tight arse with smooth thighs. It's embarrassing for the human to see you like this, especially since to his species you look like an extremely well developed child of less than eight. Your head barely comes up to his stomach.

"Watch your manners James. She's new so be nice to her." the lady says to the cook.

"Oh I plan to be nice to her. Really nice." James says as you grabs his crotch and wags his eyebrows. You scoff and return to your stew.

"Well you'll get your chance. This one has volunteered for the wall so you can play with her all night once you're done working."

James laughs raucously as he gets back to his work, eyes wandering your nude body.

"I'll be sure to stop by then. You hear that halfing girl? You are going to get to know my cock rather intimately. Multiple times if I can help it. I'm gonna fuck your small body deep and hard while you cry out for more."

You grind your teeth in fury but remain quiet. You're really going to have sex with this pig? You finish your stew and follow the lady out of the kitchen while she and James laugh at your fuming.

"Why do you abide that man?" You ask her heatedly.

"James is actually quite the excellent cook as you can tell. He also is a very skilled thief and bouncer. Those more than make up for his attitude and insatiable sex drive. The man will fuck anything he finds even remotely attractive. But if you ever need a favor from him, know he'll always make you pay in sex."

"Wonderful." You add sarcastically. The lady guides you through the brothel to a small tub, where you quickly wash and relieve yourself, readying for the night to come. Lady is waiting for you when you emerge.

"Well that's enough lollygagging. Also don't worry about birth control we'll take care of that. We can't have our employees have to quit due to pregnancy can we? Though you halflings have it easier than others."

You nod thankfully. Halflings could only get pregnant by other halfings, planar beings, and forest spirits. And dragons, but dragons could breed with anything.

"So I guess it's time to ask." the lady says with a lecherous smile. "What parts of you do you want used all night long? Though I do have a final offer. For an extra two favor reward I'll have you placed in the stocks instead of the wall. That way customers can get at every inch of you."

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