2T4U/Emily/Day -1/Mid-day/You ask for a girl "younger" than you

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“I think a girl would be more to my liking.” You say sensuously, still drinking in the sight of Katherine's ample breasts and getting hot at the sight. “I would like someone... younger. Someone younger than people would guess me at.”

“Yes, of course master Emily.” she says with a slight bow of her head. “Is there anything else you would like in the mean time? It will likely be several hours before we can get anyone of that age range here.”

Yes, that's right. Most human children would be in school at this time. You may have lived a couple of centuries but you are still quite young in vampire terms, so the sun is quite deadly to you. This most certainly has a prohibitive effect on your ability to fully blend in to human society, but you have found you could mostly manage by claiming that you are home schooled.

You would likely get rather frustrated in the space of several hours. In that case, you will...

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