Wishful Thinking/Seducing Paul Kennedy

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"Say... now's your chance to make a move, Beth!" Ginger suggests.

"What?" Beth replies, a little red.

"Come on! You know he's interested, he just thinks you're not adventurous enough!" Ginger chides.

"But he's still seeing..." Beth says.

"Well that could be easily changed, right magic girl?" Gingers turns to you.

"All I need is your word and he'll be your Romeo." you say.

"Oh, I couldn't do that to him... that'd be evil!" Beth says. She's always been a goody goody. Ginger of course is the mischief maker in the group and she continues to prod your friend.

"Well, if you don't want it just handed to you, you better go out there and earn it!" Ginger says.

"I don't know..."

"I do! Selena, I wish that Beth would have the courage to make a move on Paul Kennedy!" Ginger announced.

"No! I can't!" Beth cries, "I... I'll be right back, guys..." she says as the wish is granted.

"You two are going to get it..." she mutters she stands up and walks over to Paul. The remaining three of you watch in anticipation.

"I want to hear what they're saying." Ginger says.

"Oh hey Beth, what's up?" says Paul.

"I, uh, I couldn't help but notice you all on your own, so I thought I'd join you..." Beth replies.

"Yeah, my chick sort of had a... I don't know what happened there..." Paul says.

"Heh, yeah, that was kinda funny... so, Paul, you doing anything after school?" Beth says.

"Wow, she'd never have the guts to be that forward..." Ginger notes. You can't help but agree. Beth would be pretending she had a meeting with a teacher or something at this point in the conversation, but instead she's actually sitting next to her would-be beau. "Oh, she's getting her flirt on!" Ginger says, running commentary now. "Yeah girl, twirl that hair... shy look away, devilish grin... ooh, I didn't know she had it in her!"

Beth is turning out to be quite the temptress and Paul seems to be game for a little get together after school of course, he asks something of Beth, "You know... I seem to have a spot open right now..." he pats his lap, inviting Beth to sit.

Beth looks at the group, not sure what to do, but she takes the invitation and sits down. "Whoah..." Ginger says, "Is she ever forward..."

"Ooh, babe, that's a nice cushion you got there... mind if I slap it?" Paul asks, jokingly.

"Go right ahead!" Beth says, before realizing it. She has a shocked look on her face as she bends over on the table. Paul shrugs and gives it a whack.

"Something's not right here..." you notice.

"That's nice!" Paul says, laughing, "How about you pull down those pants and I can spank that flesh!"


You all gawk as Beth unbuckles her jeans and pulls them down, revealing a pair of silk purple panties. She looks at you guys as if she doesn't know what's going on. Amina explains, "You wished for Beth to have the courage to put the moves on Paul Kennedy but you never stated how far she would be willing to go. She's open to anything he suggests now!"

"Oh no!" you say. Beth pulls up the panties high so that the sink into her ass crack and her curvy butt is open for a paddling. Paul gives it a whack leaving a red hand print where it hit.

"Whoa whoa whoa... let's just see how far this goes..." Ginger says, enjoying the show. Beth realizes what's going on and she shakes her fist in your direction for not stopping it even as she takes another slap of the ass. Cameras flash as the cafeteria enjoys another lunch time sideshow.

"You know, Beth, I never took you for an outgoing kind of girl, but now I see you're different," Paul says. "Hey, you know what'd be a kick? If you were to get up and flash everyone right now!"

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