Wishful Thinking/Fun In The Cafeteria

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"Tell ya what," you say, "You can tell me what you want, and I'll wish for it. Deal?" Both girls nodded.

Before Beth or Ginger could say anything, a loud laugh went up from the preppie/jock table. The girls look and see Troy Madison spewing milk from his nose and laughing.

"God, Troy is such a loud obnoxious jerk!" said Ginger.

"Oh my god! I know!" says Beth, "If he farts one more time in Mr. Granger's class, I'm going to kick him in the balls!"

"Hey, that gives me an idea." says Ginger. "Can I have a wish?"

"Shoot," you say.

"I wish Troy would stand up and hit himself in the balls really hard."

You nod at Amina, and she smiles.

Troy jumps out of his chair. He's still laughing but then he balls up his fist and brings it down into his crotch. He doubles over in pain and falls to the floor in a fetal position.

The girls laugh. Beth spies Jenny Ellery sitting on Paul Kennedy's lap and sighs loudly. The other girls look at Beth then look at what she's sighing at.

"Oh Beth," says Ginger. "Would you get over him."

"I just wish I knew how he felt about me," says Beth.

You look at Amina, smile, and nod. She nods back.

Beth sits up straight and blinks a few times.

"Well?" you ask.

"He thinks I'm very pretty, smart, and sweet, but he thinks I'm too shy and may not be much fun," she said with a pout.

"Well, there you go!" said Ginger.

"Yeah, but he's dating that...Jenny...god she's so full of herself! What does he see in her?"

Again you nod at Amina, and Beth is enlightened.

"He thinks she's fun, her parents travel a lot, so her house is often free on weekends, and she's arm-candy, but he's not sure she's long-term girlfriend material," says Beth with another pout.

"I wish," says Ginger forcefully, "that Jenny would let out a long, loud fart and Paul would find it like totally disgusting!"

You nod and Amina smiles.

Jenny farts so loud, you can hear it at your table. "Oh gross!" says Paul, standing up forcing Jenny to stand.

Jenny is blushing. "I'm sorry," she says, trying not to look at her laughing friends.

A wish from you, and Jenny farts louder and longer.

A wish from Ginger, and Jenny sneezes so violently, her hair falls into her hands that she was bringing up to her mouth and nose, and she blows snot all in her hair and on her hands, and Paul is thoroughly disgusted.

As Jenny runs to the bathroom, a wish from Beth causes her black skirt to fall. Beth trips and goes head-first into a trashcan full of discarded food. Her lower body sticking up from the trash can. Her pink thong and ass cheeks on display. The room is full of laughter, and camera phones pop up everywhere.

Troy struggles to his feet before Ginger has him smack himself in the balls again and crumple to the floor.

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