Wishful Thinking/The Tour

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"Um, well, this is embarrassing," says Mrs. Taylor as Superintendent Levins stands with his arms crossed and a rather impatient look on his face. "Um, I'm suffering from certain, uh, ladies problems, and I'm using a mild electro-stimulator similar to the ones athletes use on problem muscles." She smiled nervously.

"Whatever," says the superintendent. "By the way, do you know how ridiculous you look. You better go home and change after this tour. Now can we finally get going?"

"Oh, sure thing!" says Mrs. Taylor running to her desk and opening the drawer.

"Now!" says Mr. Levins.

Mrs. Taylor grabs the butt plug's remote control and palms it. She grabs a stick of gum to give her a reason to go the drawer. "Sorry, had onion soup for lunch."

They walk out. You follow, seeing Mrs. Taylor fumble with the remote. A few soft words to Amina, and the remote is stuck on high speed.

"Ohhhh god!" says Mrs. Taylor.

"What's wrong?" asks Mr. Levins as they walk down the hall.

"Oh, nothing, just a cramp."

"Let's check out the library," he says.

The bell rings for class exchange. You have Amina stop time again. You tuck Mrs. Taylor's skirt into the waistband, so her panties are on display. "I wish she was wearing black silk panties with "Kinky Devil" printed across the top of the butt and a cartoon of a winking she-devil underneath."

"Done," says Amina, and Mrs. Taylor was wearing new panties.

"I also wish she would not notice her skirt is caught up, and no one tells her 'till the end of the tour when Mr. Levins notices and tells her. Oh, and lots of students see her from behind."


Time restarts and students file into the hall. Soon a crowd was gathered behind Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Levins who are standing in the hall waiting out the crowds. Students sneak out their camera phones and snapped photos and are doing their best not to laugh loud enough to draw Mrs. Taylor's attention.

Meanwhile Mrs. Taylor shifts nervously from foot to foot as she grows more and more aroused, frustrated, desperate, and even angry. She starts to sweat and her pussy starts leaking. She fights off an orgasm.

Soon the students were back in class and the tour continues.

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