Downfall/Take a shower anyway

From Create Your Own Story

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Your clothes are sweaty, particularly your underwear. You can't wait to get out of your clothes. The bathroom has a tub and a separate shower cabin - how luxurient. Shampoo and shower gel are provided by the hotel. You strip down and take a long, relaxing shower. Afterwards, you wash your dress and underwear. Wrapped in a towel, you go to the terrace where you hang your clothes. It is still warm, your garments should be dry by tomorrow. You sit on a chair and take in the last rays of the sun.

After a while, you hear the sound of the door opening. As it seems, your mum has arrived. You can hear subdued talking, most likely Julianne tipping the bellhop. Given your state of undress, you wait until he's gone before entering the main room. Julianne's face is a thunderstorm.

"I hope you had a nice evening," she says toneless. You say nothing. Anything you'd say just would make things worse. Julianne opens her suitcase and starts to unpack. Halfway through, she grabs a yellow cotton pajama and stomps off to the bathroom. You tend to her luggage and stow the rest of her stuff away. You are just done when Julianne storms out of the bathroom. Her pajama clings to her body, damp, accentuating her curves. Your mother must have barely dried herself, her shoulders and back wet where her hair falls over.

"Stop that," she says and sits on the bed. "What was that in the cab?"

You open your mouth to get an apology out, but Julianne cuts you short. "I won't hear anything about it!" she says. Contradictory, surely, but you know when to talk and when to keep your trap shut. The next minutes pass with Julianne spilling out the anger that built up in her during the day. You look down and submit to her tirade. You get the impression that Julianne took even more offense you left her behind at the airport then the cab incident.

"You are grounded," Julianne finally declares.

"What? Grounded? Here?"

"Of course not here. Back home. Two weeks."

"But mum," you protest. "The Iron Maiden concert. Amy and I went through so much trouble to get tickets for the show. I can't miss the concert."

"It appears that you can."

"Can't you ground me after the concert?"

"It wouldn't be a punishment then, would it?"

"But mum-"

"No buts, Debra Lynn."

"And if you change the punishment? Please?"

"I can ground you here if that is your wish."

It isn't, obviously. How shall you avoid missing the concert? As soon as Julianne has put her foot down, any further discussion would be fruitless. In your panic, you blurt out the first thing that went through your mind. "You know how much I want to go. That's just cruel, mum. I'd rather take a beating then missing the concert."

"What did you just say?"

"I said I'd rather take a beating. I know I misbehaved, but-"

"Debra, you know I don't relate to physical punishment."

"It is an exception due to exceptional circumstances. Please, I want - no, I must go to the concert. And Amy will be just as disappointed. She is only allowed to go because we are going together. She can't go alone."

It seems weird that you are begging for a beating, especially at your age, but anything is preferable to missing the gig. If it were with your dad, there isn't a way it would have worked due to sexual connotations, but this is mum. You argue with angel's tongues to change her mind. You even use your puppy eyes, although Julianne isn't vulnerable to this technique. A few minutes later, Julianne stands up abruptly. You failed. To your surprise, Julianne returns with a bottle of lotion. She throws it on the bed and says: "You'll need that. Afterwards."

Yes! She thought it over and changed her mind. You involuntary smile. Julianne shakes her head. "Don't think I'll let you off the hook easily because I am principally against physical punishment. You will feel the punishment as much as you would have felt the grounding."

"But the grounding is off," you reassure yourself. Your mother nods. "Then better get it over with, I think. How do we do - I mean, shall I bend over your knees?"

"I don't think I can apply enough force that way," she says. Your heart sinks to your pants. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all?

Julianne says: "I am tired, and I won't have any further discussion. This was your idea, wasn't it? What will it be? Grounding or-?"

"No grounding," you say hastily.

"Then lose the towel and bend over the dresser."

You drop the towel and bend forward over the dresser. You sense Julianne get closer. Then, without warning, Julianne slaps your butt really hard.

"Ouch," you gasp. What you want to say next is cut off by the next slap. Bam! Bam! Bam! Julianne hits your ass without remorse. She is stronger then she looks, her palm feels like a paddle hitting you. Then, a funny thing occurs. Of course you read about it, but you never believed or understood how people would gain pleasure from being slapped. The slaps do hurt you, and you don't want the punishment to continue, but at the same time, it feels kind of good. With every slap, the pain subsides while the pleasure rises. At the last slap - twenty by your count -, you gasp, and your knees get weak. You sink on your knees and would have fallen if you weren't clinging to the dresser.

Julianne helps you on your feet and over to the bed. You lie on the stomach and bury your head into the pillow, so Julianne won't see you red-hot face. You carefully touch your equally red-hot butt. It hurts. You will need the lotion.

"Mum, can you help me with the lotion?" you ask. You don't expect her to acquiesce to your request, but you hear her opening the lid and squeezing lotion into her hands. What a difference - the same hands that felt hard as stone one moment ago now feel so on your butt cheeks. Slowly, her fingers circle over your ass, rubbing lotion over your skin.

Suddenly, you feel tired. You don't even mind to get up again to dress, you slip under the light blanket. Soon, you are asleep.

State of Clothing Tank top; Boyshorts


Surroundings Share room with Julianne
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