Skip her and drive on to find someone else

From Create Your Own Story

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"How old are you, Linda?"

"Fourteen. And a half," she says.

"Bummer. I really can't hire someone younger than fifteen," you lie. "You know what, it's been a pleasure talking to you. Let me give you my card, and you could come by on your fifteenth birthday, okay? Bye."

And with that you speed along, leaving her scrambling for your card.

You drive along without finding somebody suitable. Damn, you really need to get back to the shop.

Wait, what was that? You thought you saw two black youngsters in an abandoned yard, but now you realize there was a third shape hidden by the high grass.

You brake hard, turn around, and drive into the yard, honking wildly. The two punks scatter instantly with their dongs flailing wildly between their legs, leaving what appears to be a young woman perhaps twenty years of age. She's naked but for a torn dress she's trying to shield her modesty with. She can't hide the fact she's heavily pregnant, or how her droopy breasts sport absolutely huge dark areolae contrasting against her milky-white skin. Her breasts look like upside-down cones of chocolate icecream.

"Hi, how are you doing?" you ask cheerily.

"Fine, I guess. Is there a problem?" she says, trying to see where the black punks went.

An interesting answer, to be sure. You like interesting.

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Health Horny Location:

Driving around

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Level 1
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