TWAWKI/Jill should sit with the kindergarten boy

From Create Your Own Story

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You focus your godly powers and whisper:

"Jill, if it was so hot and wrong being with a middle school kid, how hot would it be to mess with a kindergarten kid?"

She thinks about it for a moment, then starts to pass by the little boy. She is successfully resisting your influence! In desperation you shout out in your godly voice:

"The younger the partner the hotter the sex!"

Thunder splits the sky, startling many of the children on the bus. Jill is only momentarily startled, and is growing accustom to the odd thunder. Still thinking about the little boy, she suddenly finds herself very aroused by the thought of playing with his tiny cock. She turns around and goes back to the boy's seat. She is flushed with arousal at the naughtiness of playing with a kindergarten boy sexually.

"Do you mind if I sit here cutie?" she asks.

"Mmmkay," replies the five year old boy.

Jill carefully unzips her skirt as she sits next to the little boy, suddenly wishing she had opted to go without panties. She is very nervous as thought of initiating the kid gets her more and more moist. She takes off her blouse slowly, intentionally catching her t-shirt, and giving the near-by children a glimpse of her bra. The boy seems to suddenly get more interested in Jill as she settles into the seat. He stares at her with a look of profound curiosity on his face, but seems hesitant to speak first.

"I'm Jill, what's your name?"

"My name is Danny Leary, and I'm fi - seven."

Jill chuckles a bit at the child's clumsy lie.

"I think we are going to be great friends Danny," she says.

Change focus.

Influence Jill Wilson

Make a rule


Focus Rules
Country United States Incest is not only okay, but highly desirable. / Human females get pregnant whenever they get semen in their vagina. / Human females can only be pregnant with the children conceived in a single day at one time. / The younger the partner the hotter the sex. /
Region Miller's Grove, Indiana
Individual Jill Wilson
Condition Horny, Pregnant (2 by her brother Barry)
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