Walk away without saying anything

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 06:37, 4 January 2015 by Teejay (Talk | contribs)
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Condition Perfect Mind Location:


Strikes 0
Mood Confident

You start to walk away, but the teacher's voice stops you both in your tracks. "Girls, come up here."

You both walk back to him. "Meet me in my office after class ends," is all he says. "Which is in 40 minutes."

40 minutes later, the two of you are seated, facing the teacher.

"You," he says, addressing the girl who was sitting next to you. "You are a despicable cheat! By rights I should report you to the Dean."

The girl blanches. "P-please..."

"And you!" he booms, turning his gaze your way. "Did you help her? Did you know she was going to try and cheat?"

"No, sir," you say firmly.

The professor makes a phone call. "Security Office? Yes, I want the tapes of the calculus quiz. Yes, right away!"

5 minutes later, a burly security guard, puffing from hustling over to the office, hands the professor a slim CD. He pops it into his computer and watches for 15 tense minutes.

"You may go," he tells you. "You were staring at your paper the whole time and didn't even look at her until after she got up."

As you rise to walk away, you hear the professor say, "As for you, young lady, I'm going to have to give you a zero on the quiz."

"Please," she begs. "Isn't there something I can do?"

You don't get to hear her answer, as you close the door and head for your next class.

The classes prove to be a snap, and your studying a breeze. it's only 6:00 in the evening. How do you want to kill the rest of it?

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