Segon: M, Infi, Prologue, CP/FR, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2

From Create Your Own Story

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You continue to dodge but you know you can't keep it up much longer. You sidestep as Ray slashes downward, and you dodge to the right as he winds up for a stab. He thrusts his sword straight into the wall at the level of your neck, just narrowly missing you. With the blade lodged so deeply into the wall Ray can't pull it back out despite pulling as hard as he can, and you take the opportunity to punch him hard in the stomach before grabbing his head and forcing it into the pommel of his sword. Disoriented, he is unable to defend himself as you throw a devastating uppercut into his face, shattering his nose and making him even uglier than before. Ray grabs you by the shirt and throws you into the wall, and after stumbling over to you he unleashes a slow flurry of eratic, powerful punches. Either he's too disoriented or too angry to do anything but swing blindly, and you capitalize on his sluggishness by slamming your foot onto his toes, causing him to stumble to his left onto the wall next to you. He throws a quick jab that connects with your shoulder and pushes you back almost into his sword with it's edge sticking out towards you. As he throws another punch you duck down and under the blade, causing him to throw a heavy punch into the edge of his own sword. His hand is cut in two from the knuckle to his wrist, and he screams in a mixture of pain and horror. You grab his shirt and pull him towards you as he gazes on his destroyed hand, and his neck catches on the edge of the sword. One more powerful tug from you is all it takes to separate his head from his shoulders, and Ol' Ray's ugly face hits the ground with a thud and rolls away from you.

You release what remains of Ray's body and let it collapse onto the floor before you collapse as well. You rest with your back to the wall, your torso sore and sensitive from the abuse you just took. As you catch your breath Ray's head rolls over and faces you, and the gold chain falls off what remains of his neck. You snatch it up and decide you've rested enough. You collect your daggers off the floor and slide them into their sheathes. You head towards the door, eager to be done with this place. Of course, that's when you hear the quiet whimpering from the corner.

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