Segon: M, Infi, Prologue, CP/FR, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1

From Create Your Own Story

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You continue to dodge but you know you can't keep it up much longer. Ray slashes horizontally and you duck under it, and as he winds up a downward slash you dodge left and roll across the table you found him on. You land on the other side narrowly missing Ray's sword as he slams his blade into the table, sending wooden splinters skyward. Ray tugs at the sword but is unable to wedge it from the wood, and while he tugs on the hilt of his blade you flip the table at him. Clearly not expecting this, Ray is defenseless as the top knocks him to the floor, the blade that is wedged in the wood cutting into his stomach and chest. Ray screams as he is cut open, and before he can push the table off himself you jump onto it, driving the blade deep into him. As his organs spill onto the floor Ray looks up at you with - you're not quite sure, disbelief perhaps? - and you jump one more time, pushing the cut deeper and sealing Ol' Ray's fate.

When he finally goes still, you step off the table and collapse onto the floor. You rest with your back to the wall, your torso sore and sensitive from the abuse you just took. As you catch your breath you see a gold shimmer coming from Ray's neck. After a quick rest you rise and take the golden chain from his neck. You collect your daggers off the floor and slide them into their sheathes. Eager to be done with this place, you head toward the door. Of course, that's when you hear the quiet whimpering from the corner.

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