Tell the security guard to go to hell

From Create Your Own Story

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Status: Naked and Bound

Tears streaming from your eyes from the pain, you still refuse to let this monster break you. "Go to hell," you say weakly.

The security guard glares at you and mashes the button again. Once again electric current sears through your body. The current surging through your body's most intimate areas makes you almost black out. You try desperately to tear yourself out of the chair, but you're too well bound. All you can do is sit there and scream as the current flows through you.

The cycle repeats itself three more times. Finally, after five doses of current, you're ready to give in. You open your mouth to speak, but before you can get a word out, the door to the room bursts open and four uniformed police officers enter with guns drawn -- pointed at the security guard. "Freeze, motherfucker!" roars one of the cops.

The guard spins around and starts to reach for a weapon. A gunshot rings out, the bullet striking the guard in the no-reflex zone. He drops to the ground, dead.

"You all right, miss?" one of the officers, a pretty brunette, asks. "This man was a most dangerous criminal. He often disguised himself as a guard or a cop."

A handsome male cop smiles at you as he frees you. "You need anything?"

"Just let me process all this," you say. The cops gather a couple of blankets, and you lie down for a bit, trying to gather yourself.

After you've regained your equilibrium, you look at the cops. "What happens now?"

"We can take you to the station to get your statement," is the reply. "Or we can take you home, and get it later."

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