Streak the mall

From Create Your Own Story

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Oh wow you can't believe you're even considering this. Streaking the mall would really get you out there. And also possibly get you in a lot of trouble. Aw screw it. You only live once and you swore you would make the most of today. Time to streak the mall!

With a wave at your gobsmacked neighbors you set off toward the local mall. While it certainly won't be packed first thing in the morning of a weekday, there should still be a sizable crowd.

You manage to get to the mall parking lot after a little bit of walking, winding your way through the sea of cars all around it. Walking up to the entrance to the food court, you hide behind a bush to catch your breathe.

"Ok, let's do it."

And with that you spring into motion, jogging through the doors into the mall, past surprised shoppers.

You attract attention very quickly. Within moments everyone is looking at you as you run past, your blonde hair fluttering behind you. You catch a group of teenage girls only a few years younger than you pointing and laughing at your nude form, phones pointed toward you and recording. A middle aged women covers the eyes of her two small children as she yells insults at you. A group of young men make cat calls as you dodge their groping fingers. You yelp as a particularly ambitious man gives your firm round ass a loud smack as you jog past.

As you feel the eyes of everyone upon you as your breasts and ass sway back and forth, you realize you have never felt more turned on in your life. And you've only just begun!

And that's when you notice security is making its way toward you through the cat calling crowd as you finish your dash out of the food court.

Run further into the mall

Hide in a bathroom

Leave before security catches you

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