VRX 9000: Sex Games / Play as Meko (9)

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VRX 9000: Sex Games

Schoolyard Challenge

Day 1: Meko:


Playing as Meko, you walk up and are the ninth person to take a card from the deck. After taking a card three from the right you give a silly giggle and prance out. You have been instructed to return immediately home after claiming your first card and just pout slightly but go ahead and do it. Jumping on your bike you start cycling to your apartment with a big grin plastered on your face. This challenge sounds absolutely awesome! You can't wait to fuck with some of the girls in the room. Especially some of the ones that think they are more popular than you like Shinra or Yoko. And messing with prudes like Lana will be even more fun. You give a small giggle to yourself as you go down a dark alleyway realizing you are about to have more fun at school than even before.

On your way home you manage to get your card out and look it over while on your bike, but after poking it a million times it never shows any challenges. You eventually pout and put it up, almost dropping the thing as you turn a corner. You just want to know what you get to do to those other girls already! Unfortunately you have to wait till tomorrow so you cycle home as fast as you can, almost running over a few people on the way.

Once you get home you go to the fridge, grab some ice-cream, strip out of every bit of your clothes, sit on your bed, turn on the T.V., and wait for midnight. Surely that is how this stupid thing works right? Trying to stay up you keeping looking at the card expectantly but every time you look you just get more frustrated. Finally a Disney movie comes on and you fall asleep before midnight, forgetting to set any kind of alarm. The next morning you wake to the crack of dawn, your eyes flying open. Not even worried that you might be late for school you bust out of bed in all your naked glory and grab the card. You giggle in delight when it lights up, three challenges appearing across it. They read as follows:


Item Challenge: Make out with an opponent.

Final Objective Challenge: Get fucked by a teacher.

Enemy Info Challenge: Follow one sex order.


Your eyes are wide open as you scan over the three challenges over and over, a permanent smile played across your lips. You can't believe this is actually happening! It as if you have been training for this during your high school career! The item challenge sounds like just too much fun, you wonder who you are going to get to make out with. You definitely plan on that one, the more items the more fun. The final objective challenge is pretty naughty, but you figure you can pull it off. You've caught some of the teachers looks at a few girl's ass's and you know you can get them to look at yours. The enemy info challenge intrigues you, but you are not that interested in enemy information. Maybe if you get the chance whenever doing one of the other challenges.

Suddenly realizing you are going to be late to the day you've been looking forward to you instantly run to your closet and get dressed. Throwing on a thong and a very short skirt you toss on a bra that shows as much cleavage as possible and a mostly unbuttoned white shirt and run for the door. You run back in seconds later to grab a snack to eat on the way then jump on your bike and start to pedal like the heavens. Surprisingly enough, you manage to make it just in time, chaining your bike up as you run in the doors.

Walking quickly through the halls as class is about to start you mostly ignore anyone that tries to talk to you. Today, you are on a mission. And you can't help but keep thinking about your challenges. The item challenge keeps coming up, and you think about your first class, Math. Shinra and Eve are both in there, both interesting targets to make out with. But you are late so you can't catch them before class! Your teacher for the class is ridiculously hot, and you've definitely heard the rumors of her making out with girls for grades. Frowning you realize you are going to have to just get to class and let things play out.

Getting there you are surprised to see the teacher isn't there yet. You look around and smile, picking a seat right in front of Eve instead of your normal spot. A very of your friends try and talk to you but you just stare forward simply not talking back. You are generally pretty weird so they'll get it and walk away soon. Which is when you spot the side room to your class, empty! At the same point Shinra walks in with a few of her friends, looking over the room instantly spotting you and Eve. You have to make a decision fast if you want to get in that side room before Ms. Nami shows up. Shinra or Eve?


What do you do?"

(If goes with Shinra, Shinra asks for proof of loyalty which you go with managing to make out with her. Asked to do more with her. If you agree she'll spank you in public, which you'll hate but can't do anything about. If you decline she leaves and eventually a new teacher walks in from another door catching you in there by yourself. If you take eve you try and make out with her but she ends up trying to tie you up. You catch her and stop her, tying her up instead.) (Final objective = Have sex with twenty people)

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