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From Create Your Own Story

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You enter your apartment and close the door with a deep sign. After a long day of work you can finally relax. You check your answering machine and see if anyone has called. There are no messages on it. It makes you really agitated since it's your nineteenth birthday today and no one even remembered it.

Feeling tired, you put your clothes off and step in the shower. You let the icy water flow down your body, trying to get every vessel wet. You finally start to feel relaxed, when suddenly the doorbell rings. You start to get really pissed off, but you decide to grab a towel and wrap it around you. You walk towards the door and open it up but you see no one there. You peek left and right, but there is still no one in sight. You guess it's just the neighbours kid who pulled a prank on you. You want to go back inside, but you locked the door behind you by accident. And not only that, but your towel is also stuck between the door. You try to pull the towel out of the door, but to no avail. You suddenly hear someone go up the stairs. Knowing no one can see you like this, you decide to...

Run down the hallway

Run up the stairs

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