Wrong code input

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 20:24, 30 October 2014 by Enkide (Talk | contribs)
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Cream has now aged ten years

Although Tail's devices worked sometimes, this was one of those times that Tails inputted the wrong code. As the machine slowly begins to calculate where to send Cream It however alters a bit more then just space, Cream slowly awakens to find herself a bit dazed as if she had awoken from a long nap. However as she moved up from where she was laying, she began to feel a bit taller then usual. Her eyes slowly trail down to her feet only to find that her body was blocking her feet with a pair of breasts. "Oh my goodness." Cream said with a much older voice then she usually had, trying to cover her nude self. "I don't know what Tails did, but I need to find him quickly." She blushed looking around her surroundings.....

Where does cream find herself in?:

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