Ask the stallion what he means

From Create Your Own Story

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With a sigh, the stallion says, "If you must know, several thousand years ago, we unicorns lived peacefully with our neighbors the elves. Back then there were hundreds of us. We'd mingle with the elves, and even share some of our miracles with them. But then... the elves began their war against the dragons. They were fighting a loosing war, though. We remained neutral, wanting no part in violence of any kind, except for one. He wanted to help our elvan friends, and so he left to aid them."

The stallion looks down into the water and runs his hand along some fishes swimming near him. "This stallion used his miracles to fight the dragons. The elves were awestruck at how powerful he was. But... he had not the knowledge of combat, and fell to the dragons. Only his horn remained. But the elves discovered that a unicorn's power remains in its horn for a few days. Desperate for victory, the elves hunted us for our horns. Only four of us survived."

You can't help but cry at his story, and feel terrible about asking. "I'm so sorry."

He sadly smiles and shakes his head. "No, you have a right to know." He clears his throat and finishes his story. "So, what little remained of our people fled deep into the forests, never to be seen from again. That is how it is, and how it will be forever. For if one of us were to try and leave our sanctuary, we would once again be hunted for our powers. Only this time, we would not survive."

Health mare unicorn, aching chest Equipment:


Experience Virgin
HP 30
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