Wake up: Before Entering

From Create Your Own Story

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You groan as you slowly open your eyes and groggily sit yourself up in a sitting position. You slide a hand over your head, a throb pounding your forehead.

You're back in that room where you first woken up. Your first memory after your memories were taken away. You sit on the bed you were in before, and you can see the other four people slowly wake up in the identical beds around you.

The boy, Adam with the black hair and amber eyes slowly gets up from the bed to your right. He wobbles slightly, then straightens himself. He wore a plain white T-shirt, laid loosely over his muscles, and underneath he wore plain gray yoga pants. He slowly made his way towards you.

"Are you alright?" He asks. You nod slightly.

"We can't be alright! It's what we thought, we're being sent, through the Desolation," the girl with brown hair said from her bed. You can see she wore a lacy nightgown. You look down at your own apparel and see you wear the exact same one.

The little girl with black hair burst into tears and rushes to the bed containing the rude blonde boy. The boy puts an arm around her, and you can see that he wears the same thing Adam is wearing.

"What, is the Desolation?" You ask. A pause settles on everyone.

"Death," the blonde boy replies after a while.

"It's a series of tests that break down your fears, loves, all of your emotions. It's being run by scientists," the brunette replied.

"Why are we the guinea pigs?" You ask. Another pause.

"We're criminals. Ever heard of Fireglow? It's the company doing the tests," the blonde boy says. He smirks, "We broke into it, we were trying to stop the Desolation. We were so close."

"And we failed," the boy with amber eyes added quietly.

"Can we get out of the Desolation?" You ask.

"It's impossible to break out from the inside, they claim to let us out after we break," the boy with the black hair said. So we're stuck here forever.

"Hey, I know it's awkward, and all, but I have no idea what all of your names are," you said, trying to change the subject.

The boy with black hair smiled and said, "My name is Adam."

"Nicolette, call me Nicki," the brunette said, standing up from her bed.

Everyone looked over at the blonde boy and the little girl with black hair, who had stopped crying. The small girl wiped at her eyes and opened her mouth to speak, but the blonde boy interrupted quickly, "Jaspar and Elodie."

"Soooo, how did we all meet?" You ask.

They all exchanged smiles and Nicki turned to you.

"I met you first. Some douche tried to touch you in an alleyway, I got up to beat the crap out of him, but you didn't seem to need my help. I talked to you after the bastard went running. You showed me how to fight better and, the rest was history," she said, her green eyes smiling, and you returned it.

Adam spoke next, "I saw you two walking down the street, laughing. I thought, 'How could I not go and talk to them?' So I went and started a conversation," he pauses and laughs. "Annnnd, you two beat me up."

"To be honest, you did look creepy," Nicki added. He laughed and shook his head.

"Thanks, Nicki. Anyways, you two patched me up, added me to the group."

Again we all turned to Jaspar and Elodie. Elodie shied away from everyone's gaze, and Jaspar looked like he couldn't care less, so Adam spoke about their story.

"It was a while after I joined your little group, that we met them. It was Wintertime, and Elodie ran up to us, saying that her brother was sick."

I glanced at Elodie's jet-black hair and Jaspar's golden blonde. To her nervous dark brown eyes, and then at Jaspar's boldness in his blue ones.

"They're not actually, brother and sister, but they sure act like it," Nicki whispered to me.

"We then went with her into an alleyway, and found Jaspar, dying by a trashcan. You healed him, Thea, and we watched him until he was better. That's how we all met," Adam finished.

"You said that we should destroy the Desolation tests, and I came up with a plan to sneak into Fireglow," Jaspar said. "A guard couldn't hold in his damn bladder and he walked through our pathway."

"We got caught, someone knocked you unconscious, but dragged the rest of us away. That was probably where you lost your memory," Adam said lightly.

"Blah blah, yadda yadda, and here we are now," Nicki ended.

"So what now-" You start, but then suddenly the door in the room slams open, making everyone jump.

Your bed is directly across from the door, so you could see that there was a sunny meadow inside the door. It must be time to start the tests, to start the Desolation.

Entering the Desolation

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