Yes, I love you

From Create Your Own Story

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His eyes soften, he gazes into your eyes in a dream-like trance.

Suddenly he grabs the sides of your face and pushes you into a rough kiss. You stare blankly in a shock, not knowing what to do. Thoughts enter your head quickly and almost automatically.

What am I doing? This is wrong, so wrong. You hate him! What are you doing? What are they going to think? Is this real?

His lips are soft, light. The contact makes you shiver, it feels like kissing him would automatically mean death afterwards, this is forbidden, when you stop, nothing will be the same again.

You push him off of you, and he looks at you, startled and red faced.

"I'm sorry..." he says, flustered.

"It's, fine," you reply.

"No, not that, but, I have to send you to the Desolation. No matter what. I'm sorry," he said, walking backwards, away from you.

You stare at him, shocked. If it wasn't for the cuffs around your hands, you know that your body would stand up and try to strangle him, but you don't know why. The Desolation. Just thinking about the word sends chills down your spine.

"I'm sorry," he says one last time, before you are knocked unconscious.

Wake up: Before Entering

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