Open your mouth like they do in the movies

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 12:42, 31 August 2014 by Fionnlough (Talk | contribs)
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You open your mouth like in that film you saw mom watching when the man kissed the woman in the rain. Josh's tongue flicks against your own tongue and his lips press against yours. You try and do the same and suddenly feel very grown up. Josh's hands stroke down your back and onto your bum cheeks. Putting your arms around Josh's neck like in the movie, you push your tongue as far into his mouth as you can.

Josh's lips close around your tongue and he starts sucking on it! Your eyes open to try and look at Josh's face but he's too close so you close them again, squirming against your brother's hands which have started gently squeezing your bottom.

As you begin to squirm you can feel Josh's lolly pushing against your bum line. His hands lift you up a bit and when he sets you back on his lap you can feel it against your belly and the front of your kitty.

You break the kissing with Josh and look down at your brother's penis, sticking up right in front of you.

Play around with his lolly

Get some more of the gloop out of Josh!

If Josh's finger could fit in your kitty, could his...?

You are:
Miranda, age 6
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