Flee like the wind!

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 20:06, 26 July 2014 by Ubunto (Talk | contribs)

You turn towards the door and make a dash for it. However, Tilda quickly quells your escape attempt by firmly grasping one of your wrists. Her grip is quite strong for such a skinny lady.

"Let go! Please!" You sobbingly pleaded while struggling to break out of her lock, almost on the verge of tears. "I don't want to go to jail!"

"Calm down, girl." Tilda's voice is firm but non-threatening. "You're not the one going to jail."

Almost simultaneously, you both turn to look at the man on the ground, who seem to have understood what Tilda meant.

The fuck do you mean?!" Mr. Clark's eyes widened with rage. "Tilda, you fucking hag! You want to lose your job?"

"With all due respect, sir." Tilda answered him with a smirk. "Not working for you would be a privilege."

And with that, she calls the police and reports her former boss of soliciting a prospective employee for sex. He is sentenced to ten years in prison, Tilda is promoted to his job, and you are hailed as a heroine for standing up to a sexual predator. Furthermore, you and Tilda become close friends to an extent that she is practically the mother you never had. Things could not have ended better for you...except you still never got that job.

The End

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