Pi Pi Pi/The lingerie store

From Create Your Own Story

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You go into the lingerie store and look around. Apart from a clerk behind the counter, the place seems to be empty. There is a lot of pretty stuff here, and you feel a moment's regret that you can't wear any of it. You'd never really thought about it before; you've always kept it simple. Now, however, now that you are joining Pi Pi Pi, and trying to step outside your comfort zone, you are thinking about what could be.

You do see several things you could wear as outer garments. All of them are very pretty, and you wouldn't mind wearing them. You make a mental note to ask a member of Pi Pi Pi if you would be able to wear them. Then you continue to the back, to the swimwear section.

Just as you enter the section, you hear a man's voice. "Excuse me, miss." You turn around, wanting to see if the man is speaking to you.

He is. He is about six feet tall, about thirty years old, with dark hair and the nicest blue eyes. He's casually dressed. He smiles. "I just wanted to introduce myself," he says, handing you a business card. You glance at it. Jeff Wright, Photographer, it says.

Before you can speak, he says, "I need a model for a bikini shoot. I think you'd be perfect for it. Would you be interested?"

"Me?" you say. "Do a photo shoot? In a bikini?"

He nods.

"Why would you want me to do it?"

"You have the right face and curvy figure for what I need. You have black hair, and I want a brunette. And the fact that you aren't wearing a bra tells me you have an adventurous side. You'd be willing to try something new and adventurous."

It's flattering, you think. He wants you to try your hand at modeling because he likes how you look. You find yourself smiling at the thought. However, you have seen scenes like this in movies, and they always end badly.

Jeff interrupts your thoughts by asking, "What's your name?"

You have enough doubts not to give him your real name. "Taylor," you say, using the name of a good friend from your hometown, who is, ironically, the sort of girl who would do something like this.

"Well, Taylor, what do you say? Are you interested?"

"I don't know. I only came in here to buy a bikini."

"Not a problem," Jeff says. "I will pay you five hundred dollars to pose for me, and you will get to keep the string bikini you wear in the shoot, free."

Five hundred dollars and a free bikini. You are tempted. Not only would you get what you came here for, for free, but you would also have some money, which is always useful.

"How long would this take?"

"We should be done by this afternoon."

"Where are we going to do this?"

"At a small beach a few miles from here."

"Do you often meet models here?"


You try to think. You could definitely use the money, and a free bikini. On the other hand, you can't ignore the creepy vibe you are getting.

What do you do?

Pi Pi Pi Applying Clothing

Long skirt and T-shirt

Rules 1&2
Fucks 0
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