Put on a skimpy costume and go fight crime?

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:36, 21 July 2014 by Wonder Boy (Talk | contribs)

Status: Naked and in the shower

Hitting the streets and fighting crime on a hot day like today isn't the best way to keep cool, you say to yourself as you luxuriate in the shower, but at least it'll get you out of the house. And it's not like your superhero costume covers that much anyway. It may not be the best for defense, but it does wonders for making your (straight and and not-so-straight female) enemies stop in their tracks when they see you.

Stepping out of the shower, you head to the secret compartment in your closet and don your disguise - a skimpy purple sling bikini, made of a special lightweight bulletproof fabric, barely covering your breasts, ass, and crotch. Next comes your arsenal belt around your waist, filled with expandable non-lethal weaponry for taking down crooks, then a pair of medium-length black gloves and boots (also bulletproof). Last comes a simple black eye-mask, affixed to your face with spirit gum. You leave your long hair loose. You look into a full-length mirror and smile as you put your hands on your hips. You have once again transformed yourself into the mysterious scourge of crime, The Violet Vixen. You flush slightly at the thin strip of fabric stretched between your thighs, revealing your cameltoe. All the better to keep the bad guys' eyes off your fists, you think to yourself.

Hitting another hidden switch in your closet, a secret door opens, leading to a long hallway. At the end is your secret underground garage, where you keep your motorcycle and other crime-fighting devices. You mount your motorcycle and zoom down another narrow tunnel, which will open up into the city, far from your home. Your nipples harden from the sensation of the speedy motorcycle's vibrations between your bare thighs.

Where to?

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