WAS: Go to the marketplace and look for work

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Ureveh is famous for its bazaar, and walking through it you finally see why. Passing through the archway that leads into the main plaza you’re bombarded by an endless expanse of market stalls, wherein lay everything from baskets of fruit and incense to tables littered with swords and armor. From the awnings hang clusters of garlic and in jewel-encrusted caskets you see exotic broockes and gemstones for the wealthier customers. The merchants beckon and shout, trying to convince passerbys that their wares are the best. One could easily stuff their pockets full when the traders are looking the other way, and then sell the wares for easy profit. You’re not above stealing, on the contrary you have always just taken whatever you desired, but it might be difficult with all the guards standing nearby. Your thoughts are quickly interrupted by an echoing shout, however:

“Make way! Make way, I say! Your own lord Ashurabi has commanded a clear and open path for the master of Ostinium!”

You turn around and notice the crowds of merchants and customers quickly scattering away from the road, making way for outlandish guards on black horses. These are different from the ones by the gate, dressed in laminated cuirasses and feathered helmets. They ride in the formation of a rhombus, escorting six slaves carrying a lectica on which an old lady in a turquoise stola and golden diadem is being carried. You move out of the way along with the others, not because you were ordered to, but because you wish to get a closer look at the woman.

Ostinium is a city state more ancient than time itself, their columned temples and timeworn villas having awed people for centuries. Theirs is a people bound by antique traditions, and this is clearly shown on the woman, her curly white hair styled in a typical braid tied over the crown of the head and her ample bust concealed by a conservative palla. Her face is raised in an expression of stuck-up superiority, and in a snobbish, haughty kind of way the old dame is fairly tempting to fuck.

But as you watch her being carried past, your keen eyes suddenly detect something. In one of the windows to the nearby houses, a bow and arrow have been pulled, aiming directly for the woman. It is too dark in the building for you to see the person firing, and so they would be perfectly able to escape undetected if you were to call out their location. Should you wish to save the woman; it would have to be done here and now.

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