Waifu Quest/sex3

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The bum freezes at your question. Somewhere in his meth-holed brain, a certain synapse fires for the first time in many years. Images of places and people long gone swirl down over his retinas. The endless jungle of Vietnam. Mosquito bites. Droplets of rain lost in the choking humidity. A dark figure slipping into view through a curtain of vines. Everyone is supposed to bivouacked. But you can never know for sure.
"The password!" Fingers tighten around the M16.
"Edsel!" The voice sounds foreign. But it's impossible to be sure. The jungle plays tricks on the ears--
"That was last week's password! What's the password?"
"Edsel, I say!"
"No, god dammit! The pass--"
And then everything goes up in flame and noise and screams. Saboteurs. He should've--if only--

"I'll tell you what a Studebaker is, Commie scum!" With military-trained reflexes, he seizes you around the throat. You never have a chance. By the time the bum regains himself, you're dead and he's on a train to the next county over.

GAME OVER-- You scored 14 out of 1000 points

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