Pi Pi Pi/You wakeboard without incident

From Create Your Own Story

You love it. You hold on as the boat moves faster and faster, causing you to go faster and faster. You scream with delight as Rich pilots the boat from one of the lake to the other, then back to your starting point.

Finally, he slows to a stop. You sink back into the water, held afloat by your life jacket. The guys help you back onto the boat and help you remove the board.

"It's Asher's turn," Rich says. "Sally, you have to give him your life jacket. We've only got the one."

You are a little reluctant to give up the vest and uncover your boobs once again, but you remind yourself that everyone of these guys has seen you topless, so you no longer have anything to hide. You unzip the jacket, slip it off, and hand it to Asher, noting with relief as you do that it feels good to have your boobs no longer crushed into a space they don't quite fit into. You are embarrassed to notice, as you remove the jacket, that your nipples are hard from rubbing against the inside of the jacket.

Rich sees them and smiles. You look away, saying nothing. He doesn't say anything, either.

All of the guys take a turn on the board, then you get to go again. This time, when you need to hand over the jacket, you take it off without a qualm and hand it over. You are no longer mortified by being topless, but are still rather turned on by it.

You get to go one more time before the guys decide it's too dark to go again. Then they, and you, all sit around in the front of the boat. You start talking and laughing. You find yourself enjoying the guy's company.

Suddenly, Rich opens a cooler that you hadn't noticed before. He takes out several beers and hands them around to the guys. When he is done, he says to you, "Want one? I also have wine if you'd rather have that."

You've always been a straight arrow, partly as a result of your shyness, and haven't had many beers. The fact that you are underage also enters into it. On the other hand, if the guys are having beers, you should too.

The wine also sounds good.

Do you:

Pi Pi Pi Applying Clothing

bikini bottoms

Rules 1&2
Fucks 0
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