Prank War/Jennifer/Super Glue

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Jennifer poured super glue on the seat in front of her, chuckling under her breath.

Ashley, as always, walked into the classroom late.

"You are late," the teacher said, looking over the top of his thick glasses.

"Sorry," Ashley mumbles. "I didn't hear my alarm this morning."

The teacher sighed, used to this. Ashley was almost always late to class, so he was familiar with her and her 'oversleeping'.

"Just be seated please," he told her with another sigh.

As Ashley sat down, the teacher stood up.

"Pop quiz. Everyone put away your books." The class collectively groaned.

Ashley sat down, taking out her pencil and hoped she was ready for the quiz.

"Okay, please keep your quiz turned over until I tell you. And no looking at your neighbors paper."

The class quieted down as the teacher walked by each desk, placing two pages stapled together, face down.

"No peeking," he tells one of the guys as he lifts the corner, trying to see the problems on the paper.

Two pages does not mean it was an easy test. In math class, each student is expected to show their work.

The teacher finished handing out all the papers and returned to his desk.

"Begin," he announced in a loud voice. Everywhere, the sound of paper being turned over, pencils going to work filled the classroom.

(4x + 5)(7x + 3)

The students calculate and write and think. Some just groan and stare at the page.

12x4 - 3x2 - 54

The clock ticked, closer and closer to time. Jennifer waited, focused on her test, but also making sure she didn't miss Ashley finishing her test.

a2b-2 / b

The class hit its thirty minute mark. "Fifteen more minutes," the teacher calls out.

Pencils in the class worked more furious, trying to make sure they finished in time.

One student got up and handed over his quiz. "Please put it on my desk, and sit at your seat quietly." The class knew the routine. They were used to pop quizzes by now.

Jennifer finished the quiz and put it on the teacher's desk, then sat quietly back down.

She watched Ashley in anticipation.

The minutes ticked by, and a few more students handed in their quiz.

"Five minutes," the teacher counted down.

More furious work, more attempts to finish by those who had not finished.

"Times up. Hand in your quiz," the teacher informed everyone. As some students tried to quickly finish, others brought theirs up. Jennifer laughed, quietly, to herself because Ashley was one of the students who wasn't able to finish.

"I said pencils down," the teacher growled, more forcefully.

A growl of her own escaped Ashley's throat, and she was the last student to bring up her test. As she stood up, the tearing of cloth was heard by Ashley. A patch of cloth remained on the chair where she had sat, glued there by the superglue.

She spun, eyes ablaze, to face Jennifer. "I will get you," she informed Jennifer, low and threatening. After turning in her quiz, while walking quite stiffly and holding her hands and the paper over the back of her pants, she talked to the teacher in a low, hushed voice. Ashley walked out of the class as the teacher went to the whiteboard.

"So, can anyone tell me how to do this problem?" The teacher continued his lesson, and the next time Jennifer saw Ashley, she was wearing her P.E. sweats.

Prank War/Ashley

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