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May 2, 2011

Megan. Megan. Megan. I don't know what just happened.

First, she was in my dreams. It was the one with me and Sarah outside with the guy again. We were... somewhere, I don't even know where. It was outside, but the storm made it difficult to really see. We were walking, and Sarah said she saw something move out ahead of us. I tried to use my flashlight and sweep around the area she pointed out, but we didn't see anyone. A few minutes later, the guy said he just heard a girl whispering. He took a second, and then said that it was Megan. Sarah didn't look too happy about that, and she gripped her rifle a little tighter, and that was when I finally heard her.

"You guys sure took your time."

The voice was unmistakably hers. I had only talked to her a few times, sure, but it was her through and through. We turned towards her voice, and she was standing there, watching us, and grinning. The lightning flashed, and I noticed something was really, really off. Her face just didn't look right. The thunder boomed again, this time nearly deafening us. I flinched, moved the flashlight beam, and when I moved it away, she was gone. Sarah shouted for me to find her again, and quick. I started looking around for her, but it wasn't until the lightning struck again a moment later that I found her, crouching on the ground like some sort of animal. She pounced at me as the light faded, and knocked me onto my back on the ground. I remember managing to keep a hold on my flashlight, but Megan had her hands on my wrists to keep me down, so all I could do with it was try to shine the light into her eyes.

That was when I finally noticed what was wrong. Her eyes were a glassy, empty white. Not completely empty like you see in the movies, but any hint of color had long faded from her irises, leaving them as dull gray rings that wrapped around white pupils. Megan snarled at me, and Sarah fired the rifle.

It was the sound of the rifle firing in my dream that awoke me. That, or the perfectly timed thunderclap that greeted me back to the realm of the living. I looked around for a few seconds, panting in newly-awoken terror, but gathered myself quickly after, cursing myself for getting so shaken up over a dream. I was about to turn on my bedside lamp when I heard it again. Megan's voice.

"I miss you, Bethany. All of you. I know you miss me too. Don't worry, though. We'll see each other soon enough."

I froze in fear, and as my eyes finally adjusted to the dark, I could make out someone standing at the foot of my bed. I had no doubts about who it was, but before I could say anything, before I even thought about daring to say anything, she walked away from my bed, out my open door, and into the hallway, never stopping to look back at me. I heard her footsteps descend the stairs, then I heard the front door open and close.

There's literally nothing okay with what has happened in the last few hours. I've since tried to rationalize with myself, saying that Megan's appearance in my room was just one of those "waking nightmares" that people talk about, where your brain wakes up slower than the rest of you, resulting in it thinking certain parts of your nightmare are still occurring even though you're awake. The only problem is I don't entirely believe it. Something tells me she was here.

Mid-day update. Still raining. School was cancelled. A few of the streets are starting to flood, and people are madder than ever. There hasn't been any word on the field trip bus, still, and the weather report was missing - again. Out of curiosity, I checked online. We're supposed to be getting sun and clear skies. Something's going on.

Mom and Dad aren't telling me anything, just that they don't know either and that they're not liking it.

Pre-bed update. No news. The rain is still falling. This sucks.



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