Girl Scout Cookies/"Buy up our entire stock and you can have us all night"

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"All night?" you ask with a smile on your face, knowing that this is a deal you can't past up on, "Fine," you say "but I want to know what I am getting into, how many boxes are we talking about here 70.. 80?".

"Try about 200 boxes." says Claire, "You're looking at about 1000 dollars for the cookies and two hot bi-sexual high school girls, willing to do anything you want from sun down to sun up, now all I have to do is talk to Lin about it and see if she agrees to our little proposal".

"Speaking of which what if she doesn't agree, to our little proposal?" you ask.

"I guess you could just have to pay for twenty boxes and have me for a hour, or half our stock and have me for the whole night. I did tell you I would do anything to win, remember?", Claire says as she licks her lips.

The doorbell rings and you open the door to Lin with some more the additional boxes of cookies you wanted to buy. Claire says to Lin "This nice gentleman agreed to buy our whole stock"

Lin looks at Claire in shock and asks "Really, why?".

Claire grins and whispers in Lin's ear. Lin looks even more shocked, but eyes you up and down then whispers something back to Claire. Claire nods and says, "She's in, but can we have the money up front?"

What do you:

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