Katie Does As She's Told

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:30, 7 February 2014 by Bram Lueche (Talk | contribs)
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Condition Nervous, Embarrassed Apparel and Items: Buck Naked
Day, Time Saturday, Evening
Need to Bathroom Feeling better
Level of Humiliation Extremely Humiliated and only getting worse

Katie thought for a second of taking the opportunity of being outside to run from her tormentors, she could just run now and not look back, not having to suffer this sort of humiliation again, well... At least not for tonight.

But she couldn't do it, anything could happen to her if she just ran away naked, and thus, consigning herself to her humiliating fate, Katie squatted down and let her bladder empty itself.

A stream of clear, yellow fluid sprang out, hitting the grass and began to form a puddle, the warm urine's release gave Katie a satisfied sensation.

The second Katie's bladder was empty, however, she felt her shame rising as she remembered that behind her, there was a whole crowd of people, laughing and recording her complete and abject debasement, Katie blushed a deep crimson red and quickly got up, covering her privates once again, her now wet pussy becoming soaked with not just one type of fluid.

Samantha wipes Katie's pussy clean, causing her to orgasm again

Samantha forces Katie to give Mike a blowjob out in the yard

Samantha gets everyone to spank Katie

Katie is still tied up outside, even though she did as she was told

(feel free to add any other options)

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