No, go back

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 04:43, 21 December 2013 by Guan Yu (Talk | contribs)
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You go back to the middle of the crossroad.

The Eastern Route: Yellow and electrifyingly golden.

The Northern Route: Brown and look like it was made of a clay-like material.

The Southern Route: Red and looks hot enough to burn the leather of the boots you wore.

The Western Route: White and it looks so slippery that you can skate over it.

The North-Western Route: Blue, transparent, and it looks like the road is slightly shifting every time.

The North-Eastern Route: Gray and a wind is blowing from the road.

You take:

   The Eastern Route
   The Northern Route
   The Southern Route
   The Western Route
   The North-Western Route
   The North-Eastern Route
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