A shimmering scale patches down your whole body including horns..?

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 19:17, 10 December 2013 by Alipheese (Talk | contribs)

You slowly sit up and run a scaly hand down your chest, now covered in smooth scales the size of a quarter that shimmer iridescently in the sunlight, changing color from green to blue to purple. You have sharp black claws on each hand and a long tail that stretches out across the bed you slept behind you, and a pair of medium wings that flutter as you stretched in the middle of your back. You raise a hand to your face, feeling your long snout. You open your mouth and run a claw along a row of small, pointed teeth, your sinuous, muscular tongue flicking out, the end forked. You reach up, touching two twisting horns emerging from your skull.

Now you know how you look like, you wonder where you are at. Looking around the room, you determined...

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