Make no changes and live out my life as it would normally go

From Create Your Own Story

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You decide you don't want to mess with fate. So you live out your college days as a disfigured social outcast. You work hard in the physics and mathematics departments and earn your bachelor's degree in three years.

It's a miserable life, though. No friends. Even your professors don't like to spend time with you. To make matters worse, you fantasize constantly about women you know you will never have. You masturbate several times a day. You begin to hate women ... and yourself. The self-loathing is profound.

After three more years you are well on your way to a PhD and you're working to find a way to change your fate. It's the only thing you live for (besides the dark sexual obsession you've developed for several of the most attractive undergraduate females, which you keep alive with surrepticiously captured photos you've taken of them over the years.)

Through your research, you hope to give yourself the chance, once more, to avoid this horrible life. Maybe, just maybe, you will choose differently this time. Your research is finally done and you think you have it figured out. You are ready to test the equipment that will create a time/fate loop and enable you to give your old self a chance to alter his fate. You go to the lab at night to avoid attention. You are one of the few students with a key to this lab, since the professors have asked you to get your work done at night.

But on your way to your lab, you hear the muffled gasps and moans of a couple having sex in one of the research offices. You crack open the door slowly and see 50-year-old Professor Komarovsky, a man you have worked with in the past, fucking a girl from behind. You instantly recognize the girl he has bent over a desk as Tamara, one of the most attractive of the girls you've become obsessed with over the last three years. She's a senior. She's on the volleyball team. You know everything about her. She has actually been nice to you once or twice. She's spoken to you before. Her kindness made you want her all the more. You had imagined her to be a princess among whores. You suddenly remember that her grades have fallen drastically since her boyfriend dumped her, announced he was gay, and started dating other men. And you then guess that the old bastard Komarovsky is taking advantage of her. He's fucking her because he can. Because she needs to graduate.

Komarovsky is fucking her hard ... and, as any hotblooded young female would, Tamara's loving it. She's moaning loudly and thrusting her ass up high to take all of him as he repeatedly forces all of his thick cock inside her. His jaw is clinched and he's pulling her head back by her hair. You feel your own hard dick straining against your pants.

"Goddamn you!" she shouts. "Fuck me, you bastard! Fuck!"

He obliges, pounding her still harder. Her firm ass is pink with sweat and heat. Her deep red, engorged nipples are rock hard and they jut out from her small breasts. Her eyes are shut tight and her mouth is hanging open in ecstasy.

Your own dick is throbbing to the rhythm of their fucking and you're filled with a mixture of jealousy, passion, self-loathing and hate as you continue to look on. All you can think about is killing that piece of shit professor and fucking that bitch who played herself off as a pure girl. Even so, you begin to stroke yourself and you can tell she is close to cumming.

"Oh, God!" she screams, and then she cascades into a loud, long orgasm. Komarovsky is pleased with himself. He's wearing a smirk on his face as he continues his fucking, slowing a bit to match Tamara's orgasmic rhythm.

You hate him. And her. Unthinking, you burst into the room. Your passion has gotten the best of you. You runheadlong toward the professor, tackling him hard against the corner of a table. You hear a loud popping noise. He's motionless. He gasps for air. You let him go and he falls to the ground.

"Oh my God!" Tamara screams, "You've broken his back, you freak! What the fuck!?!"

You turn on Tamara. She's clearly frightened and repulsed by you. She screams as you approach.

"Get away from me!" she shouts and she runs for the door, leaving her clothes behind. On the way, she pulls the fire alarm. She's gone.

You are left alone with the professor. You turn to him. He's still breathing. He looks at you with dread, fear, hatred, disgust.

You remember your invention, your research. It will be the only way out of this hell. You run to your lab, turn on the equipment, begin the time/fate loop, and wait.

The fire alarm is still sounding. You find yourself, back on that bus, soon to arrive at State U. You reach out, you tell yourself the story, you give yourself the choice. Now the fire alarm has stopped. The authorities are in the building. No more time. If your younger self chooses a different life, you know the you of today will be destroyed and you will no longer exist. You wait. You wait still longer. Longer. The cops are in the hall. You can hear them. They're coming for you.

Could it be that your old self chose the same wretched fate?! Damnit! 15 minutes have passed! You would have been destroyed by now!

...The cops arrest a mumbling, wretched piece of flesh. The creature's mind is gone. They hardly recognize a human. It's disgusting work, but they take this thing back to the precinct, book it, and forget about it. Months later, a grovelling, filthy, deformed animal is sentenced to life in prison for the rape of Tamara and the murder of Komarovsky.


Welcome to the University
Health 0 Equipment:


Gender Male
Height 6 feet
Weight 100 lbs
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