WoE The blue tent.

From Create Your Own Story

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The witch's curiosity was piqued and she made her way over toward the fancy blue tent for a closer look. The line of people seemed to come from all walks of life, all with their wallets prepared and eagerly awaiting their turn to be called inside. Shani picked out a particularly handsome young man, dressed in fine clothes, to approach.

"Pardon young lord, but what's this line for?" Shani asked.

The man took her in for a moment, whether he was more startled by her beauty or the question was anyone's guess.

"Pardon my manners ma'am, I thought everyone in Memphis had heard of Salazaar the Sorcerer. He's a fortune teller and conjurer who can ward off your misfortunes and if you pay well, even make your wishes come true!"

Shani considered for a moment, having never heard of this Sorcerer herself she doubted whether or not there was any validity to these claims.

"What is it you intend to ask the sorcerer for?" She asked.

"Well you see..." He replied hesitantly. "My family is planning to marry me off to a wealthy girl from a family I've never met, I'm worried that she will be dower or ugly, that I won't be able to love her. I am going to ask Salazaar what he sees in my future."

"Surely there is an easier way to solve this problem." Shani said giggling.

The man blushed.

"I've though of trying to meet her before the wedding, but I'm terribly shy you see."

Shani pondered for a moment:

Status Fine Equipment

Concubine Outfit

Location The Bazaar
Cock Hidden
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