WoE Go to the stables.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 14:25, 21 September 2013 by Magicshake (Talk | contribs)
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Shani decided to investigate the stables. Her body swayed with a sexy gait as she strode down the path toward the large enclosure. The stable boy took one look at her exaggerated assets and began blushing profusely. As she walked closer her quickly dropped the broom and ran off into the stables.

The witch sauntered inside and looked around, it looked like most of the horses were out in the pasture grazing. However there was one magnificent looking stallion with jet black hair and a silky mane slowly gnawing on cud in the corner. She could see a bandage on his leg, which explained why he was still inside.

The stable boy was probably hiding somewhere and there was no one else present besides her and the horse.

How boring, what should she do now?:

Status Fine Equipment

Concubine Outfit

Location Stables
Cock Hidden
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