Flatten yourself down on the ground

From Create Your Own Story

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You quickly flatten yourself down on the ground.

The soldier stops behind a large boulder and begins urinating onto the ground. When he's finished, he zips his pants back up and heads back to the military truck. A few moments later, you hear the heavy vehicle rumbling away. You sigh with relief, then look over at Alia. She's slept through the whole thing.

The rest of the night goes by without further incident. You watch the stars slowly do their dance across the dark sky that they have done for billions of years. Finally a faint light appears on the eastern horizon. You shake your companion awake as dawn breaks.

Alia looks around, then at you. "I guess we can trust each other now," the two of you say at exactly the same time. When you realize what you've done, you both giggle.

You tell Alia about the incident with the truck. "I decided to let you sleep. No point in waking you in the middle of the night."

She nods. "Good point. Is there anything else you're not telling me?"

You suddenly feel uncomfortable. "What do you mean?" you ask in your most innocent voice.

"Come on, Rania. You're not really a Lebanese businesswoman, are you?"

You look at the petite, pretty woman. Damn, she is perceptive. Finally, you decide to come clean. "You're right," you say in a small voice.

"Mossad or CIA?" she asks.


"I figured it was one of those two," says Alia. "They're usually the ones who operate around here. I've come across both before." She notices that you are holding your brunette head in your hands. "What's wrong, Rania?"

"This is the first time my cover's been blown. Well, not the first time. There was that incident in Yemen, but that was the fault of some incompetent boob who somehow became my handler. This is the first time I've been exposed through my own fault."

Alia strokes your long dark brown hair affectionately. "Don't worry. It's just that I'm a lot smarter than any soldiers or militants who might interrogate you. Your story is definitely good enough to have plausible deniability with them. You got this far without anyone else finding you out, right? Including the guards at the jail."

You feel a little better. You look up at the little vixen. Her cocky comment about her intelligence somehow makes her even sexier. You find yourself growing more attracted to her by the minute. Looking at the expression on her face, you can tell that she's attracted to you too.

"Alia, are you bisexual?" you suddenly blurt out.

She stares. "How did you know?"

You smile. It seems your perceptive skills are working well too. "How do you think I know?"

Her mouth opens as she realizes. "Wow."

The two of you remain looking at each other a little awkwardly. You feel the need to say something.

Health {{{Health}}} Equipment:

Browning pistol, grenades, data drive, cyanide capsule

MP {{{MP}}}
Level {{{Level}}}
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