Head back up the hill and try to pick off the enemies

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 19:30, 5 August 2013 by Calvin Coolidge (Talk | contribs)
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You decide to take the initiative and not just sit back and wait. Climbing back up the hill, you peek over the crest. The soldiers' Jeep is moving slowly in your direction. Three men are in it. They don't seem to see the top of your brunette head peering over the hill.

You set your AK-47 to semi-automatic and take aim at the driver. The windshield is already shattered, courtesy of your earlier shots. The distance is about 150 yards, an easy shot for you. Your bullet strikes the driver in the middle of the forehead and the Jeep stops. You fire again, killing the man in the front passenger seat. The last soldier opens up on you with his assault rifle. You duck back behind cover and wait. When he stops to reload, you calmly pop back up, aiming your weapon at his head. He sees you and freezes. You savor the look of fear on his face for a second before squeezing the trigger.

Pumping your fist in victory, you think about what to do next. You could try to take out the rest of the soldiers at the checkpoint. There are about four or five of them left. Or you could simply head off into the desert.

Health {{{Health}}} Equipment:

Walther PPK with silencer, AK-47, knife, data drive, cyanide capsule, Jeep

MP {{{MP}}}
Level {{{Level}}}
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