Trust her, she was nice enough to feed you after all

From Create Your Own Story

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"O-okay... I'll trust you." you say.

She smiles. "Okay, brother. You can come in now."

Immediately following those words, a huge male wolf steps into the small cave and you gasp in fear, covering yourself with your hands. He is covered head to toe in black fur, not unlike the woman's hair, and that isn't the only feature they share, as he has the same eyes as she does as well. He stands roughly seven and a half feet tall, and is covered in well defined muscles. To say he is intimidating would be an understatement.

He sits down in front of you and rests his paw-like hand on your shoulder, causing you to shudder. "I hope I didn't hurt you too badly when I hit you over the head. But I was afraid you would scream, and as I'm sure you're aware, us wolves hate high pitched noises."

You're taken aback by his friendliness, as no wolf has ever expressed concern for your health. This makes you blush uncontrollably, and you are at a loss for words.

The woman laughs at your reaction. "Look at her, she's speechless. I guess she's never met a wolf like you, brother."

You face the woman and her words cause even more questions. "B-brother?" you ask.

She smiles and nods. "Yeah. Well, he's my half brother. We share the same mother. His father died during the human rebellion before he was born, and our mother re-mated and had me."

"B-but, you're human, and humans can't have children with wolves."

She tilts her head at you, obviously confused. "Really? Since when? We've always been able to breed together here. Right, brother?"

"As far as I can remember." he replies.

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