Quietly nod and follow him out

From Create Your Own Story

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As you exit the curtain, the once empty audience chamber is now flooded with wolves. There are at least a hundred of them, all appear to be wealthy and part of nobility, drinking and conversing with each other. You've never seen so many wolves in one place, and it frightens you. But as soon as you enter with your master, the room quiets of conversation and is replaced by applauds.

"Gentlemen, friends." your master announces, as he pulls you along to the center stage. "May I present tonight's entertainment, the newest addition to my establishment, Kitten!"

With that the room explodes into cheers, and you cower behind your master. All of the guests leer lustfully at you, and for the first time in your life, you wish you were back at the slave market, anywhere but here. As you reach the stage, your master attaches your leash to it. You give it a tug, but it's clear that it won't budge.

"Now then, if your payments have all been approved, we may begin." you master announces.

Your eyes widen in fear, as laughter enters the hall and everyone starts to remove their clothes. Soon everyone is completely naked, even your master, with their cocks fully erect. Though your tank top is too short to cover your lower half, you find yourself pulling it down to try. Your eyes meet your master's cock and he's huge! At least a foot long, and several inches wide. Your heart beats furiously at what the next few minutes will entail.

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