Try to get some sleep before you arrive

From Create Your Own Story

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Thinking they have the right idea, you close your eyes and drift off to sleep.

What feels like two seconds later, a tug at your leash startles you awake and you see your mistress get out of the car naked. It's clear that they don't mind their nudity, and the clothes are merely a formality.

The silver wolf pets your head and smiles at you. "Wake up, sleepy head. We're here."

After a quick stretch, you follow your two masters into their massive country side mansion. As you enter the front doors, your mistress spins around and leers at you. "Darling, be a dear and clean this animal up. I don't want her stinking up the bed." she spits, obviously referring to you.

Without another word, she storms off to a room on the bottom floor, slamming the door behind her. You lower your head, feeling that you angered her with your attentions in the limo.

"Don't think too harshly of her." the silver wolf says, as he rests his paw on your shoulder. "Her entire family was killed during the human rebellion, and she's hated your kind ever since. It took a lot of convincing on my part to buy you."

You lower your head, and quietly utter, "I'm sorry."

The silver wolf simply smiles and shakes his head. "Nothing for you to be sorry for. It wasn't your fault."

This makes you feel better, and you know you're going to connect with him more than her.

"So." he says. "Shall I show you to our room? You'll be sleeping with us, of course. Or would you rather like a short tour?"

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