Head to the nearest shop to grab a quick meal

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 03:20, 20 February 2013 by Sicka11 (Talk | contribs)

You start walking down the street, opposite from the forest's direction. In two minutes you get to a small corner fast-food place called "Big Megg's".

After you walk inside, you see a man that is about 40 years old and he has a name tag attached to his shirt saying Jeff Reilly. The man looks strange as his skin is pale and he has massive bags under his eyes which give you a cold shivver. The grumpy man has a strange shaped injury which you cant decide either it's a cut, a burn or maybe a bite.

You look up at the man but something just stops you from asking if he's feeling well and you just look at the menu above hanging from the ceiling.

Do You:

Order some fries and a burger

Leave the place, it just gives me the shivvers

Ask if theres a toilet around here

Health: Normal

Hunger: Hungry

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