Ask if you can get a discount somehow

From Create Your Own Story

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He clears his throat and glances around the store. The place is empty.

"Maybe you could," You give him a sultry look and bite your lower lip, "test it on me."

He's stares intently at you, practically salivating. Then he puts the closed sign up, and locks the door.

As you head off to the back of the store he is treated to a spectacular view of your tight Japanese ass in your short skirt as you seductively walk in front of him.

The office he directs you to go into is rather dark and very dirty. Papers are thrown all over the place. It has a couple of old chairs in it along with a large desk. He closes and latches the door once you are both inside.

"Excuse the mess." he tells you, "the cleaning people haven't been here in a while.

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