Ask to see the boy's father

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 09:56, 5 January 2013 by Yihman1 (Talk | contribs)
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You try to act as femanine as you can and ask for the Brandon’s dad. The receptionist takes the phone and talks to someone.

"He will be ready to see you shortly. You may wait in his office."

She leads you to his office, you close the blinds, and wait in a chair.

A few seconds later, your dad is coming to greet you.

"Who are you?" He looks at your outfit, a puzzled look on his face.

"Your wife Jessica thought I would be a nice surprise for you." You lie in the most femanine voice you can.

"Are you for real?" He asks while covering his erection with a clipboard.

"She realized that things needed to be spiced up in the bedroom. I'm here to help."

There’s a pause. He looks at you with lust in his eyes. Your cheeks are crimson red.

You leave the chair and put your arms around the father, resting your head on his shoulder. Unsettled, he hesitates before he hugs you back.

You're so close, you can feel an erection pushing the front of his pants. You caress his cheek with yours, then nibble his earlobe.

Your hand leaves his back and reaches around to grab his dick over his pants. You gently caress his erection.

Your legs feel weak and you almost lose balance as you get on your knees. His bulge is in your face. You look up and you see the grin on his face.

You unzip his pants and pull them to his ankles. His underwear follow. You’re now face-to-face with his erect cock.

You give him a little kiss on the head of his dick, making him shiver. You lick your lips and then the shaft. You finally put it in your mouth and tighten your lips around it.

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6th Grade Boy
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