D&D: You manage to find a place to hide, sort of

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You are not going to get away from these creeps by running blindly down the hallway so you yank out the light rod that's been giving you so much trouble and your surroundings are instantly lit up. You are in a long hallway with a passage or two straight ahead. Unfortunately because you are now lit up they can see you and you hear them make a few lewd comments about what they will do to you when they catch you.

You cut down a passage to the left and you can see a dim light ahead off to the side, you throw the light rod down a side passage and make a run for the dim light ahead. You just barely make it around the corner when you hear the dim-wits behind you say "she went this way". Peeking around the corner you see them make chase after the light rod, but it won't take long for them to realize you've given them the slip.

You turn around to see what's in this room and notice it's some sort of interrogation/torture room with various devices scattered about, the only one that can hide you is some kind of mummy shaped device that you think may just be some kind of sensory deprivation device. Opening the device you see that the victim would be standing with their arms at their sides and because of the way it's shaped their feet would be parted. Poor soul would probably be left there for days unable to move and by the looks of the padding near the head couldn't see or hear anything either.

You hear voices down the hall and realize that the dim-wits that were chasing you have doubled back and seem to be headed this way, the only way out of this room leads to the hallway and they will most likely see you.

Do you:

D&D: Ambush them as they arrive

D&D: Hide in the mummy shaped sarcophagus

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