Try to get Angela out of here

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 11:14, 30 September 2012 by Teejay (Talk | contribs)

You wrap one arm around Angela and one around Kerri. "Don't worry, Angela," you tell her. "I'll make sure nothing bad happens." You use what's left of your demonic strength to hustle the girls out of the church. As you leave, you feel the full power returning to your body.

"Where is he?" Angela gasps, still sobbing.

"Never mind," you say. "Leave everything to me."

A masked figure steps out of a nearby alley. "Michael's dead, bitch!" he snarls, gesturing at Angela. A knife flashes through the air.

Before the stunned Angela can move, you unlock your arm from around her, snag the thrown knife by the handle as you snatch it out of the air, and send it sailing back towards the masked figure. It embeds itself deep in his throat. He drops to the ground.

The three of you walk over to the fallen figure. He gurgles, "Bas... tard..."

"And then some," you giggle, closing his eyes. You wipe the knife handle clean with a handkerchief, which you put in your pocket for later disposal. Except for the knife through the dead man's neck, he could be sleeping.

Not another soul is nearby. You guide the shaken Angela and Kerri back to your house, where you throw away the handkerchief. "Stay with me," you tell them. "I'll always keep you safe. Now, about tonight's homework..."

An hour later, the three of you are naked in bed. You've decided a daisy chain would be good...

You are possessing:
Beautiful 14-year-old
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